Constipation Natural Remedies And Home Treatment

If you have read through a number of Indian food cookery books, you may have noticed that many recipes ask for ghee. Ghee can be purchased in Indian markets and some grocery stores but it is also very easy to make your own. It is really just clarified butter.

6) Don't fry wherever probable, eg samosas can be brushed with olive oil and baked, so can coated chicken, coat with chicken coating and brush with oil and bake.


When tallow has been properly rendered it will have no taste and no smell and because of its makeup it will probably be solid and white Ghee at home normal room temperature. In these modern times it has uses both as a lubricant and oil for cooking, with our new technologies it can be converted to be used as a bio fuel which might help in these times of high oil prices. There is a considerable amount of animals slaughtered worldwide with meat consumption what it is.

If you feel the need for candy at the movies, I like AGAVE FLAVORED GUMMY BEARS from Whole Foods as a special treat. I'm ready to back this all up literally and use a backpack as my purse; filling it up with our healthy snacks. On this movie trip there were so many of us I needed two backpacks and two camels! What if I get stopped and they ask me about the overstuffed backpacks? Well, we haven't been stopped yet. I don't know if it's because I make sure the largest and meanest looking person carries the backpack. Or if it's because I walk in the theater with a look in my eyes and soap box under my arm, ready to give it to anyone who gets in the way of my son's health.

Make good use of the body's largest organ to help remove toxins. Too many people only focus on doing a colon cleanse to remove toxins from the body but the skin is the largest organ of the body. Be sure to add some body treatments like, massage and skin brushing,to help remove the toxins through the skin.



Collect a liter of cream from milk. I collect the cream from milk every day. After collecting for odd ten days and storing in a cold storage or freezer, I remove on the day when the container seems to be full. If possible, collect a liter of cream from the milk on the day when you wish to make ghee.

Ginger is another excellent herb that is a good remedy for colds and coughs. About 10 grams of ginger should be cut into small pieces and boiled in a cup of water. It should then be strained and1/2 a teaspoon of sugar added to it. read more This decoction should be drunk when hot. Ginger tea, arranged by adding a few pieces of ginger into boiling water before adding the tea leaves, is also an efficient remedy for colds and for fevers resulting from cold. It may be taken 2 times a day.

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